Zuydam Konsult

The Art of Staying positive

Are you, like all other average business owners in South Africa, currently feeling like you must step up your game and Marvel Superhero just to ensure economic survival? You are not alone.

Measuring yourself against a ‘Superhero’ as the new normal can come at a big price.  These comparisons may lead to feelings of inadequacy in life and in business.  This can also easily spill over in the way you conduct yourself in your business as well as your family life.

The fact is that the SME entrepreneur is actually already a real-life Superhero.  In my opinion you are much more than any of the Marvel Superheroes that you see on the big screen.

My advice to you Mr/Mrs Business Superhero; is to “keep on going against all odds!”.

Positive thinking is cultivated by several other positive elements in your life.  To explain; at a recent sports evening where Rassie Erasmus was the main guest, he said that “winning does not create hope it creates moments of happiness”. I am, however, of the opinion that a series of these moments of happiness will in turn start creating positive thoughts about yourself.  This will change the way in which you perceive new challenges in your business and personal life.

So how do you create these moments of happiness in your business?  It all starts at an ‘end’ funny enough.  It starts at looking at where you would like to end.  What is your business goal and the dream?  Then, you need to start mapping out the achievable steps in getting to your dream.  Even if it is a long term dream you still need to make short term steps.  As you achieve your short-term steps, make sure to take a moment to celebrate your small successes and to tick them off.  This will motivate you to work towards the next small victory.

Life is too short to only cherish the big goals in life. Remember, by being an SME entrepreneur you have already made a Neil-Armstrong-leap-of-faith! You have already ticked a major box! Now it is time to celebrate the small victories on your road to long term success! Here is to all the Marvel Superheroes in business, here is to me and to you!

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